Hainan ZOSE CulturalCommunication Stock CO., LTD held the IPO Launching Meeting at Haikou YehaiHotel on July 4, 2011. The meeting was hosted by the Deputy General Manager and Secretary of the Board of Hainan ZOSE Cultural Communication Xu Jianrong.
The Chairman of Hainan ZOSEGroup, the Chairman and General Manager of Hainan ZOSE CulturalCommunication Stock CO., LTD Liu Wenjun, the Standing Vice Manager of Hainan ZOSECulturalCommunication Stock CO., LTD and Director of Hainan Provincial TheaterSun Yuanbin, the Director of Hainan ZOSECulturalCommunication Stock CO., LTD and Vice Director of Hainan Provincial TheaterSu Xiaohua and 200 staffs attended the meeting. The partner of Jintian&Gongcheng Law Firm, Zhou Xuan, the Managing Director of Investment Banking Department of Sealand SecuritiesZhou zhuo, the Chairman of China Audit Asia Pacific Certified Public Accountants CO., LTD Li Zhilin also attended the meeting.
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